Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New year - new year's resolutions!

I hope you all enjoyed the festive season and are ready for a great new year.
If like me you ate too much, drank too much and didn’t get out of the house enough then I’m sure you’ll be glad to get back in to normality again (snow clouds permitting...)
Everyone is chatting about New Year’s resolutions - a way to try to better ourselves in the coming year or as Oscar Wilde put it – men simply drawing checks on a bank where they have no account.
Every year millions of people resolve to (in order of popularity) lose weight, get fit, drink less, quit smoking, get out of debt and change job.
Figures vary as to how many succeed but general belief is that if you can make it through the first 21 days you’re home free.  One of the most common traits of those who succeed is realistic goal setting and monitoring.  How can you succeed if the goal posts keep changing?
·         This is one of the few times where corporate lingo might actually help you in your private life – Make your goals SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound – yep you’ve heard that one!)
By setting yourself achievable targets with your weight loss, exercise regime or finances, achievable over a realistic period of time you may actually get somewhere. There’s also a huge sense of satisfaction monitoring your progress along the way and knowing how much you’ve achieved as you work towards your end goal.
·         Another way to keep yourself motivated is to buddy up with a friend. Your goals can be totally different but you should agree them with yourselves and each other and keep checking along the way.  This is great if you’re in any way competitive J

·         If you’re a little disillusioned with resolutions then a nice alternative is to make note of the kind of things that you want out of 2011 and review every few months, make changes if necessary. It’s not exactly the same as making time bound promises to yourself and the world but merely reminds you want direction you’d like your life to go in this year.

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2011!

Work Life Balance

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