While most of us stayed safely indoors this winter out of the driving snow and sleet, some hardy employees ventured out to stand in the freezing conditions in search of... Nicotine.
While everyone knows that smoking harms your health and the health of those around you, did you know that it could soon damage your career too?
Two Florida hospitals have joined a growing number of employers in the US who have implemented a ban on hiring smokers. Part of the hiring process is a nicotine test and continual testing throughout their employment. In the UK things are changing too. County councils are insisting that smokers clock in and out as they will no longer be paid for smoke breaks.
According to the Irish Small Firms Association, this anti smoking sentiment has not been driven by the employers but by the non smoking employees. In some cases there is all out war between smokers and non smokers in the workplace with disagreements about smoke breaks being one of the most common employee complaints reported.
It’s not surprising when - the average smoker spends more than a year of their working life at smoke breaks while also working on average one hour less a day than their non smoking co workers.
Most smokers in Ireland take 4 x 15 minute breaks a day which from the management’s point of view means losing 240 working hours a year per employee.
The associated health implications also cause smokers to take more sick days. Male smokers are a staggering 66% more likely to be absent from work than non smoking colleagues, female smokers are 23% more likely to be absent than their non smoking counterparts.
With this in mind it’s surprising that employers who have cut costs wherever possible have been slow to act and take measures to halt this loss of productivity.
So if you need another reason to quit smoking in 2011 – here you have it. Tobacco may seriously damage your career.
Visit your doctor for a full range of nicotine replacement products available. Some are prescription, some over the counter so go and discuss what option is best for you. Those who discuss a plan fully with their GP are twice as likely to successfully quit smoking. It’s tough but the benefits of improved health, improved appearance, cash saving and protecting your family’s health make it worth it.